Karlo is a programmer for 10+ years who switched to cyber security. He is currently working as a L2 SOC Analyst and is focusing on malware reverse engineering and development.

Chicken-Scheme FFI Examples

in programming, dev, research, code

I'm currently working on refactoring the FFI implementation for the Rebel Game Engine. It was previously written using the Bind chicken egg but I wanted to have more control over the implementation by using the low level foreign functions.

To help me better understand I made some examples that has the basic FFI implementations that I'll be needing for my project.

foreign-lambda example

Let's say we have a structure Vec3 and a function Vec3Create that we want to access from chicken-scheme.

typedef struct Vec3 {
    float x;
    float y;
    float z;
} Vec3;

Vec3* Vec3Create(float x, float y, float z)
    Vec3* v = (Vec3*)malloc(sizeof(Vec3));
    v->x = x;
    v->y = y;
    v->z = z;
    return v;

We could use foreign-lambda to bind to the function:

(define vec3_create
    (c-pointer (struct "Vec3"))   ; Return type, a pointer to a struct object of Vec3
    "Vec3Create"                  ; Name fo the function
    float float float))           ; The …

#5 - Switching from C/C++ to C

in dev, game_engine

After the recent changes to the lisp side of my engine, I took some time to review the C/C++ side. You'll notice that I have written C/C++ and that's because my codebase uses both of them.

When I started my project, I initially intended for it to use just pure C, as this is the one I'm more familiar with. But over time some C++ features crept in. Features like namespacess, bools, and function overloading proved to be useful so I kept using them. Now my code uses C concepts with new nifty C++ features.

Now, I could have just continued with this approach. It works, after all. But I wondered if I should just stick to C and drop C++ altogether. My thinking is that sticking with just one language would make the code simpler as I only have to use it's subset of features. I know …

#4 - Following Lispy conventions

in dev, game_engine


I was adding new Lisp functions to my game engine when I noticed that I had functions that had a naming scheme that were inconsistent with others. For example, I had ones that create objects like sprite_create and shader_create but this one function I named make_vec3. I proceeded to rename make_vec3 to vec3_create. Not only is it consistent with other names but it made me realize that having a pattern of object_verb makes it easy to parse the function and what it does.

This made me wonder if there are other ways I could improve which led me to this page about variable naming conventions for Scheme. I learned that the language employs a rather effective yet simple naming convention for functions and variables. I've noticed them before but never really thought about their usefulness.

For example, adding a ? prefix easily indicates that the function, when called, will always return …

#3 - Rebel Game Engine now works on different platforms

in dev, game_engine

After finishing the integration of Chicken-scheme scripting for my custom game engine I decided I wanted to tackle another hard problem, and that is making it cross-platform. At the very least, my engine should be able to deploy to Linux, Windows, and MacOSX.


It might seem silly to be working on this while the engine is still in its early stages, but I think it is better to get this out of the way before the codebase becomes huge. With a small codebase I was able to easily identify the causes of the problems as I was porting them.

It still wasn't a walk in the park, however. Being inexperienced with developing C programs on other platforms (I've only done it mostly in Linux) I had to do research and do a lot of trial and error. I learned so much about cross-compilers, portable makefiles, and the quirks of different …

#2 - Implemented basic Scheme scripting for Rebel Game Engine

in lisp, game_engine, dev

When I first learned about Chibi, an embeddable scheme that allows scripting on C programs, I immediately tried it out on my game engine. I was able to make it work with my existing APIs but I kept on running against segfaults and memory issues. The community was helpful in answering my questions as I tried to track down the cause of the bug, but I eventually gave up out of frustration.

I then learned about Chicken Scheme, a somewhat competitor to Chibi that does the same thing but with a larger community and more documentation. I checked it out and liked it so I went ahead and implemented it.


Thankfully I have not experienced any segfaults anymore. It's not because Chicken is better (I don't know well enough of the two to make a good comparison) but because I've come to better understand how to properly structure my code …

#1 - Thinking of adding Lisp to my custom game engine

in dev, lisp, engine

I've long wondered if I should add a scripting language to my game engine. I know that most game engines could do without such a feature but I just recently came across Chibi-Scheme, a library that allows the use of Scheme lisp scripting for C programs.

I like Lisp. I use it a lot when customizing my Emacs environment (using ELisp). There's something about it's syntax and different way to structure programs that appeals to my programmer brain. I've toyed with other Lisp flavors but never had a strong enough reason to continue using them. With Chibi-scheme I may have found that reason.


I am aware that Lisp is not as widespread as Lua or Javascript. And that choosing it might limit the number of potential people to try out my game engine. But as I've been telling myself over and over, this is a self-learning project. So it's okay …

Making Unity beep after scripts finish reloading

in dev, unity

Our latest game, HistoHunters, has grown into a really big project that compilation now takes a really long time. Longer than no sane programmer wants it to be. It has gotten so bad that changing a single file would take about a minute for recompilation!

Thankfully, I have managed to shorten this wait time through the use of assembly definitions. If you have a big Unity project and compile times are slow, this is the solution to that. Just for kicks I also purchased an SSD and that also helped reduce compile times (Not much as the assembly definitions though).

However, in spite of these changes compiling still takes a few seconds to reload scripts. This seems to be the lowest it could go. While this is definitely better, I can't help but feel that the seconds spent waiting is wasted.


I recently got the idea of having Unity inform …

Opening Unity Script Files in Emacs

in emacs unity


I've recently embarked on a mission to fully integrate Emacs with my Unity game development environment. One feature that I wanted to have is the ability to open Unity scripts and text-based files in Emacs instead of MonoDevelop. This is an easy task for supported external editors but for those who aren't (Like Emacs), doing something like this is a bit tricky.

Setting emacsclient as the external editor works in opening the files but the line number is not passed at all (Or is not received by emacs. Seems to be a bug). This means that opening files in the Project Window works but you would not be able to to jump to lines that have errors from the Console. This, of course, is unacceptable.


I've tried a number of different solutions. A lot of them are hacky but clever. There was this one option of setting a Sublime Text …

Chef Wars Postmortem -- What Went Right: Risk Adjusted Technical Estimates

in chefwars, gamedev, mindcake, postmortem

Note: This is from a series of articles that outlines the things I've learned while making Chef Wars for 2+ years.


  • We used a risk adjusted estimation system that produces near accurate estimates we can confidently rely on.

I usually dreaded being asked how long a programming task will take. I always seem to have the knack to overshoot no matter how hard I try. This is an all too common scenario that programmers face and is something that is considered to be a difficult, if not impossible, problem to solve.


This all changed when I was introduced to a helpful system that helps in producing estimates that are "accurate enough". I don't think it has a name yet but my colleagues who introduced me to it says that they got it from a Gamasutra article by Eric Preisz of Garage Games. Since then I've used this system …

Chef Wars Postmortem -- What went wrong: Optimizing too early and too late

in chefwars, gamedev, mindcake, postmortem

Note: This is from a series of articles that outlines the things I've learned while making Chef Wars for 2+ years.


  • There is more to the saying that "premature optimization is the root of all evil".
  • Instead of asking WHEN to optimize, it is more important to ask WHAT and HOW to optimize.

It is a well known adage among programmers that premature optimization is the root of all evil. If this is true then I must have been very close to the devil himself.

During the early months of development on Chef Wars I did my best to optimize my code as much as possible. We were making a big game and I wanted to have a stable foundation to build our game on. I obsessed over lots of things from the interconnection of the various systems to folder structures. I was happy with all that I've built …